Art Trail Christian Convention

The Keswick Art Trail is back this year during the Christian Convention. There will be an adult’s trail the first week and a kid’s trail the remaining two weeks.

There will be fourteen stations, representing the fourteen stations of the cross, each tying a verse in the Bible to the surrounding artwork. An example question can be seen below.

Which of these birds was the first to be sent out of Noah’s Ark?

Answer below images.


These lovely bird sun catchers were created by Eddy Crick.


The Raven!

“At the end of forty days Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made and sent forth a raven. It went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the earth.” - Genesis 8:6-7

Ravens are very intelligent creatures.  Their brains are one of the biggest in the bird kingdom and they are able to understand the concept of water displacement, which is the process of making water move. For instance, if you dropped a ball into a well that was half filled, how would you get it out without using a ladder?  Ravens cleverly kept putting stones and other items into the well until the water rose to the top!